Thursday 18 October 2012

An introduction..

Hi! I'm Naina Singh (name changed to spare myself embarrassment on school runs). Pleased to meet all you readers out there! This is me jumping on the " blogging band wagon" I've heard so much about! To be honest I've had so much on my mind lately that I have caught myself talking Loudly to myself..! My 4yr old son is starting to stare..probably thinks I'm talking to my imaginary friend. So it was either blogging / venting or scarring my sons psyche for life. Blogging it is.

So I live in UK. I'm married and have two gorgeous children. My son is 4 and my daughter is 10 months. Another reason why I created this blog at 12 midnight.. I don't get much sleep with my daughter waking every couple hours! Sob!

In this blog I will try to ramble on daily about anything and everything that I feel should be written about. I must admit I'm excited to find out just how many thoughts I can assort on an everyday basis that are readable for adults and not just a load of baby talk!

Please be kind and try to leave encouraging comments if this blog gets read at all! :)

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