Tuesday 30 October 2012

8 years on..

Celebrating 8 years of marriage! 8 years on and life is good, love has matured and sensibilities have ripened.. Not bad I say! It's been a wonderful day today. Im feeling very grateful as I write this. Grateful for this wonderful life I'm experiencing with a wonderful husband by my side.

Day was spent running after kids 1 and 2 and evening at Movies with husband. Snacked over sweet popcorn and coke zeroed out! Managed to smuggle a bottle of wine into the movie hall too :) Yes! We've all done that at some point in our lives..some at 16 and others a tad bit later in life! (I'm not giving my age away)! Husband hid a lovely card in my Ipad case whereas I completely forgot to buy him one! I'll worry about that tomo..I have some making up to do. Probably will get him a "I'm sorry" card? :(

I must say I'm warming up to the idea of blogging a bit more now. By now my non-existent readers know that this blog was created so I had something to do at Midnight in between feeding my baby. I have a few ideas for my blog which will come into existence the minute I find 10 mins free during the day to actually execute my plan coz lets admit it, my brain is slower than slush at midnight. This blog up until now is top notch babbling of a sleep deprived human who will not sleep even when presented with a 5 hour sleep window. It's mostly self inflicted! Yes so, as I was saying, I have a few ideas for the blog mostly discussing fashion, no politics but definitely some moral issues.

Which reminds me that my friend Berkeley from Paris has not yet arrived and I'm eagerly waiting for her. I've not forgotten to post pics of her if by then I've figured out how to post pics here. So watch this space if anyone's out there..

Sleep tight peeps and here's hoping I do too!


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