Friday 16 November 2012

Midnight reflection

Recently a very close friend of mine lost her youngest brother to a sudden heart attack at the age of 34. His wife was a few months pregnant and they had spent just one night together in their brand new house in Brighton. The couple had been married for less than a year. It's all so tragic for his wife who is a pregnant widow, his unborn child who'll never have a father, his family who will always miss him..and yet he's probably untouched by all the tragedy since he's hopefully moved on into the glamour of the other side! Well I hope it's glamourous for all our sake!

I can't help feeling helpless when I think about where he must be right now. What happens to our conscience once we shed our physical body? Is there even a thing called physical self and spiritual self, or is it all just physical? May be there is no spirit or soul or may be there is. The voice inside us that tells us who we are, in other words our conscience, does is just switch off? Where do we find our loved ones after we're gone? Will we ever meet again? Does our love remain in our hearts? Do we still care and miss our family when we die? Do we hurt? Does the soul weep? Is it scared of the unknown? Where are the answers? All the religions in the world claim to know the answers. We all have theories but apart from Chinese whispers and " because it's written in the holy book" do we have any other possible clue? Why do all holy books and religions vary on the aspect of afterlife? Truly, if it was all true then all theories would lead to the same conclusion. But while one promises paradise another promises afterlife in 80 different avatars and yet another refutes the possibility of afterlife. So where do we begin to ask questions? Who has set this puppet show called Life on a planet called Earth? Who controls the strings and what happens after the puppet has performed its last dance? 

Needless to say, all this has got me thinking about how fleeting life can be. How precious my children and my family are to me. Every morning that I wake up alive is a beautiful gift and I want to make the best of what little lfe is left in me. So yes, I'm really "feeling the love" today and with that thought here's wishing all you lovelies a very good night!

Sleep tight and here's hoping I do too!


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